Jaguar Jigs is the story of a hobby crossing over into a passion. Growing up as an avid fisherman in Alberta, I quickly branched out to British Columbia to continue chasing those tight lines. While in BC, I realized that I was sick of cheaply made, yet expensive tackle. It would bend, break and honestly wasn't area specific enough for me. In 2019, I started making my own lures. The lures that I sell now are tested and proven to work in the conditions that I designed them for. They are the result of thousands of frustrating hours of trial and error. Unless specifically requested, I will only sell lures that I have used to catch a fish. When you buy my products you can know that they work! A big thank you to my family, and my customers for helping to make Jaguar Jigs a success story.
Go catch yourself some fish!
Mike Innis - Founder